Welcome to the APOSTC Website



Reporting Application for Disciplinary Incidents, Use of Force Complaints, and Separations (All)

All Alabama law enforcement agencies are required to report law enforcement officer disciplinary actions, reassignments for cause, use of force complaints, and reportable separations to the Alabama Peace Officers’ Standards and Training Commission (APOSTC) for inclusion into the RADIUS database. Law enforcement agencies are required to search information in the RADIUS database when conducting background investigations, as part of their evaluation of candidates for employment or appointment as a law enforcement officer, with a law enforcement agency (Ala. Code §36-21-55, et. sec.). Currently, and until the database is searchable, this search can only be accomplished by using the APOSTC RFI-2 information request form.

To submit a report into RADIUS you are required to have “RADIUS User-Entry” privileges. These privileges are assigned by your agency’s AISO.

CAUTION – Information contained in the RADIUS database is NOT public record and is strictly protected by State law.

To access, click on RADIUS link located in the menu bar on the APOSTC website.

Click Here for RADIUS User Guide



Sensory needs or invisible disabilities training requirements for all Alabama Law Enforcement Officers

Ala. Code Section 36-21-51.1, effective January 1, 2024, requires each law enforcement officer certified by the Alabama Peace Officers’ Standards and Training Commission (APOSTC) to complete one (1) hour of training on interacting with individuals with sensory needs or invisible disabilities every other year. This training is in addition to any other continuing education required under Section 36-21-51. There are no exemptions from this training for any duly appointed law enforcement officer.

The APOST Commission has entered into an agreement with KultureCity, a 501C3 non-profit organization, to provide the required training.  This one-hour block of training is provided online in an electronic format. The training is free of cost to all agencies and officers and is paid for by an appropriation from the Alabama Legislature. The KultureCity training program for sensory needs or invisible disabilities is the only approved training program that will meet the requirements of the Act for calendar year 2024.

Officers can receive this training by connecting to the KultureCity website. The link to KultureCity’s training is https://www.kulturecity.org/apostc/.

Please remember, this is a statutorily mandated training requirement for all Alabama law enforcement officers. The Commission is required to review each law enforcement agency’s compliance with the Act.



The Alabama Peace Officers’ Standards and Training Commision is pleased to announce the reopening of the APOSTC Law Enforcement Academy Baldwin – Wiregrass Campus. The academy is located at the Wiregrass Public Safety Center in Dothan. The first academy session will start on May 22, 2023, with an application deadline of May 1, 2023. Please visit the Academy Schedules page for future session dates.


Relating to  

Official Information Request

Effective March 28, 2022, Official Information Request Forms have been revised. Please note the following information:

  1. APOSTC Form RFI-1 replaces the previous Official Information Request Form. This revised request form is for Civil and Out of State Inquires only.
  1. APOSTC Form RFI-2 is a completely new information request form. This form is for use by Alabama Law Enforcement Agencies seeking background information relating to the employment and/or appointment of a law enforcement officer. APOSTC RFI-2 is also to be used for APOSTC information request relating to official investigations by a law enforcement agency.
  • You can access these forms through the APOSTC website, at www.apostc.alabama.gov; by going to the Navigation panel and clicking on Forms.


TRAINING MANDATE – APOSTC Implicit Bias: Concepts and Countermeasures

The Alabama Peace Officers’ Standards and Training Commission (Commission) mandated, in August of 2020, that all certified law enforcement officers in the state of Alabama receive the 4-hour APOSTC course Implicit Bias: Concepts and Countermeasures. This course will count for 4-hours of the officer’s 12-hour continuing education requirement.

Any officer who received this training by attending an APOSTC academy or lateral/refresher course beginning in January, 2021, will not be required to attend.

For information regarding “Train-The-Trainer” classes or to schedule training for officers, contact:

Captain Randy Vaughn, Director

APOSTC Law Enforcement Academy at Tuscaloosa

(205) 759 -3000 or rvaughn@leat.org

IMPORTANT NOTICE – June 29, 2021

Click here to view the official letter regarding the APOSTC Committee on Character and Psychological Evaluation Review.

PSYCHOLOGICAL EVALUATIONS – APOSTC Committee on Character and Psychological Evaluation Review:

The Alabama Peace Officers’ Standards and Training Commission (Commission) has amended the Alabama Administrative Code (Peace Officers), RULE 650-X-2-.04 PHYSICAL EXAMINATIONS AND PSYCHOLOGICAL EVALUATIONS, creating the Committee on Character and Psychological Evaluation Review.

Going forward, any applicant receiving a recommendation other than “Recommended for employment/appointment as a law enforcement officer,” shall be reviewed by the Committee on Character and Psychological Evaluation Review. The Committee will utilize the APOST Form 3B, reports, and other documents provided to the Commission to determine the acceptability of the applicant.

The complete text of the regulation is attached and can also be found on the APOSTC website.

The Forms can be found on the APOSTC web site in the navigation panel.


(1) Physical Examinations.  Each applicant shall submit to a complete physical examination conducted by a licensed Medical Doctor (M.D.), a licensed Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine (D.O.), or by a Certified Registered Nurse Practitioner (CRNP) or a Physician’s Assistant (P.A.) who is licensed and duly authorized by state statute to conduct said physical examinations. The appointing authority shall designate one of the above-named health care professionals to conduct the physical examination. The health care professional conducting the examination shall certify to the Commission on APOST Form Number 3A that the applicant is physically fit and in good health to participate in the rigorous training conducted at a law enforcement academy and is physically fit to perform the duties of a law enforcement officer.

(2) Psychological Evaluations. Each applicant shall submit to a comprehensive psychological evaluation by a Licensed Behavioral Health Professional with experience in conducting Psychological Testing and Evaluations.  The Behavioral Health Professional shall have experience working with the law enforcement community. The report of the examining professional shall state whether the applicant is recommended or not recommended for employment/appointment as a law enforcement officer. The examining professional shall complete and submit to the Commission APOST Form Number 3B.

Should the report of the examining professional provide a recommendation other than “Recommended for employment/appointment as a law enforcement officer,” and the employing agency submits to the Commission an Application for Certification of the individual notwithstanding said recommendation, then the employing agency must provide documented, supplemental information to the Commission to support and validate the fitness of the applicant applying to be certified as a law enforcement officer. The applicant’s APOST Form 3B, the report of the examining professional, and any supporting documents submitted by the agency head will then be reviewed by the Commission’s “Committee on Character and Psychological Evaluation Review”. The Committee will evaluate the reports and other documents to determine the acceptability of the applicant. If the application is rejected by the Committee, the Executive Secretary will notify the employing agency that the applicant is ineligible for appointment and the applicant’s provisional appointment as a law enforcement officer is deemed terminated.

(a) The psychological evaluation administered to law enforcement officers must meet the approval of the Commission.

(b) An applicant who fails to receive a positive assessment of his or her psychological evaluation is not eligible for employment/appointment for a period of one (1) year. and must first be cleared by the Committee on Character and Psychological Evaluation Review prior to any future appointment as a law enforcement officer. The applicant is not exempt from Rule 650-X-2-.01.


APOSTC Form Post 2/Page 4 Affidavit

  • Academy Application Form Post 2/Page 4 has been revised and is effective May 1, 2021. This form can found in the “FORMS” section of the navigation panel. Outdated and/or modified forms WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED.

Law Enforcement Agency Credentialing

(Click for more information)

IMPORTANT NOTICE – November 30, 2020


The Alabama Peace Officers’ Standards and Training Commission has adopted a revised training curriculum for the Basic certification training program. The 2021 basic academy curriculum is now 560 hours and is scheduled to be taught over a 14-week period.

The 2021 curriculum for the Lateral/Refresher program has been expanded from 95 hours to 120 hours and will be taught over a three-week period.

The 2021 academy training schedules have been adjusted to reflect the required curriculum. There is no increase in academy tuition for 2021.

IMPORTANT NOTICE – November 30, 2020

Click here to view the official letter regarding Psychological Evaluation Requirements beginning January 1, 2021. 


The Alabama Peace Officers’ Standards and Training Commission (Commission) has amended the Alabama Administrative Code (Peace Officers), RULE 650-X-2-.04 PHYSICAL EXAMINATIONS AND PSYCHOLOGICAL EVALUATIONS, to require all academy applicants, both basic and lateral/refresher applicants, to submit to a psychological evaluation conducted by a Licensed Behavioral Health Professional. This requirement is effective with all applications submitted to the Commission on or after January 1, 2021. The Commission adopted APOST Form Number 3B, Psychological Evaluation, which is required to be submitted with each application. The complete text of the regulation is attached and can also be found on the APOSTC website.

The Physical Examinations requirement has been amended to comply with current statutes as to who is authorized to conduct physical examinations. APOST Form Number 3, Physical Examination, has been re-numbered to APOST Form Number 3A.

The Forms can be found on the APOSTC web site in the navigation panel.


  1. Physical Examinations. Each applicant shall submit to a complete physical examination conducted by a licensed Medical Doctor (M.D.), a licensed Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine (D.O.), or by a Certified Registered Nurse Practitioner (CRNP) or a Physician’s Assistant (P.A.) who is licensed and duly authorized by state statute to conduct said physical examinations. The appointing authority shall designate one of the above-named health care professionals to conduct the physical examination. The health care professional conducting the examination shall certify to the Commission on APOST Form Number 3A that the applicant is physically fit and in good health to participate in the rigorous training conducted at a law enforcement academy and is physically fit to perform the duties of a law enforcement officer.


  1. Psychological Evaluations. Each applicant shall submit to a comprehensive psychological evaluation by a Licensed Behavioral Health Professional with experience in conducting Psychological Testing and Evaluations.  The Behavioral Health Professional shall have experience working with the law enforcement community. The report of the examining professional shall state whether the applicant is recommended or not recommended for employment/appointment as a law enforcement officer. The examining professional shall complete and submit to the Commission APOST Form Number 3B.

Should the report of the examining professional provide a recommendation other than “Recommended for employment/appointment as a law enforcement officer,” and the employing agency submits to the Commission an Application for Certification of the individual notwithstanding said recommendation, then the employing agency must provide documented, supplemental information to the Commission to support and validate the fitness of the applicant to be certified as a law enforcement officer.

  • The psychological evaluation administered to law enforcement officers must meet the approval of the Commission.
  • An applicant who fails to receive a positive assessment of his or her psychological evaluation is not eligible for employment/appointment for a period of one (1) year. The applicant is not exempt from Rule 650-X-2-.01.

IMPORTANT NOTICE – July 14, 2020

Click here to view the official APOSTC letter regarding remote BAT Administration.

The Basic Ability Test (BAT) is available for remote administration.


Due to COVID-19, many testing centers operated by the Alabama Community Colleges have been forced to close.  As such, it has become difficult, if not impossible, for individuals to sit for the APOSTC Basic Ability Test (BAT).   Calhoun Community College (CCC) has established a process to administer the BAT/ACT Work-Keys, remotely.


If your agency has employees or applicants who need to take this examination, this option may be of interest to you.  In order to utilize this option, your agency will need a computer with internet connectivity, and your agency will be required to provide a supervisory officer to proctor (witness) the examination.   Payment for testing services can be made with a credit card, or CCC can bill your agency on a per test/monthly basis. 


For more information regarding this process, please contact the ACT Test Center at Calhoun Community College; below you will find a phone number and email address.


Calhoun Community College – can be reached by email at actcenter@calhoun.edu or by phone at 256-306-2522.

Alabama Peace Officers’ Standards and Training Commission
P.O. Box 300075

RSA Union Building, 100 North Union Street, Suite 600

Montgomery, Alabama  36130

PHONE: (334) 242-4045

EMAIL: apostc@apostc.alabama.gov

OPEN: Mon-Fri: 8 am – 5 pm

(Click the map to obtain directions to the APOSTC Headquarters)